Sustainable income generating activity scheme for very poor disabled women in Rural Kisumu



Project title: Sustainable income generating activity scheme for very poor disabled women in Rural Kisumu

Name of the implementing organization: Kisumu Disabled Self Help Group

Project progress report for quarter 2

September to December 2015

Start date of the project: February 2015

End date of the project: July 2016


Activity 1: Poultry farm management

The main objective of this project is to improve the living standards of very poor disabled women in rural Kisumu community. We intended to build, equip and stock a poultry farm to generate income to create employment for 10 very poor women with disabilities in Rural Kisumu and also use part of profit made to start a micro credit scheme to benefit 20 more poor women with disabilities in the slums. This is a poultry project specifically designed for eggs production. The primary customers were focused on Hotels, learning institutions with boarding facilities, super markets, and retail and whole sale prominent egg traders within Kisumu City. The minor customers were focused on the egg vendors who usually boil 10 to 15 trays of eggs a day and vend it at pubs, market places and streets. The reason for the target market is that egg production in Kisumu City and its environs cannot meet market demands.

 Anticipated outputs

  • 80% laying eggs by the 7th month
  • Meet  demand of eggs
  • Income of 20 disabled women realised

Key indicators of progress

  • The layers have been laying eggs now for 7 months and are at their peak of production currently hitting 80%. The project has managed to get a net profit of £ 2,517. £ 699 has been allocated to the microfinance while the rest reinvested to the project.
  • The demand of our eggs has gone up and this is because of their quality and quality service we provide to our customers. The demand of eggs within our area is 30 trays per day.
  • Apart from 10 disabled women being employed through sales of eggs on commission basis and are making profit, we have also registered 10 women into our micro finance scheme. Pre loaning assessment was done and the women given £ 69 each as either start up capital or capital to boost their existing businesses.
  • There is noticeable change in the living standards of the 20 women with disability since nearly all of them can now afford all the basic needs of human being.

 Activity 3: Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring during this quarter focussed on ensuring planned activities were conducted on schedule. Our organization conducted an assessment on the intended beneficiaries prior to the start of the project. The women were living in abject poverty before being engaged in the poultry project by our organization. We target 10 disabled women at first. Each disabled women makes at least £ 51 per month in commission from sales of eggs. According to living cost in Kisumu, this is enough to take care of at least 50% of their family budget. Evaluation during this quarter also focussed on process and quality indicators; assessment of income level of disabled women.

 Anticipated results

  • Availability of assessment report
  • Noticeable changes in living condition of the targeted beneficiaries.
  • Indicators of success identified and documented

Key indicators for success

  • Project activities are on schedule as per the work plan
  • All the 20 intended beneficiaries on the first phase of project already earning income
  • Activity reports documented

Challenges faced in quarter one

  • The demand for our products has gone up since many residents now prefer to buy from us because of the good quality of the eggs. We are unable to meet the ever growing demand currently at 30 trays per day. This has forced us to outsource for eggs from outside in order to continue with the supplies and keep the customers.

Lessons learnt

  • We will have to look for more funds in order to expand our poultry project and maintain consistent revolving of birds so that we don’t break the supply.