An update from Friends of Buburi, Kenya

Saving lives in rural Kenya is what Friends of Buburi does, literally from our kitchen tables. Currently we are working towards saving mothers and babies by offering maternity services and offering a full range of child immunisations.

We have worked with KTCT before when you helped us drill a borehole giving clean water to the community and the clinic, also a life saving venture. Among other things this grant will allow us to purchase a KEPI fridge for the vaccines. This runs on gas when there is a power cut, which is a regular occurrence.

Mothers have been dying while giving birth at home with no one qualified available and children have to travel far to get their immunisations. Safe birth and immunisations can save countless lives. With this grant you are helping this poor rural community and giving them a chance in life. A big thank you to KTCT.

Newly delivered baby Wycliffe