
With Financial support of BP£6000 from Kitchen Table Charities Trust, AICG is implementing a Project titled “Installation of safe water pipe system, linked to rainwater harvesting system.” Huge thanks to Mr and Mrs Borrett for supporting and standing with Kitchen Table Charities Trust, which means a lot for our community at this time when COVID19 pandemic has doubled crisis for people living in extreme poverty that couldn’t  access safe water for drinking and observing good hygiene like hand-washing. The project started immediately after receipt of grant funds in January, 2020; and is progressing on well.

Progress of the Project

Due to COVID19 health protocols and dire need of availing safe water, groundbreaking ceremonies following approval of the grant by KTCT’s committee were not held, instead, AICG directly embarked on implementing activities of the project, starting by the installation of a communal rainwater harvesting system at the beneficiary school. So far, AICG has installed the 6000 litre rainwater tank at the school; and installation of the safe water pipe system to be linked to the rainwater tank is underway.  The following activities were undertaken in the installation of rainwater system: clearing ground, laying the foundation, establishing ground slab; establishing circular slab by erecting a brick wall, prior to filling it with concrete and plastering it; placing tank on the circular slab, and connecting tank to gutters installed on suitable roof catchment in the school. Gutters shall collect safe rainwater from roof catchment to tank via inlets with purification devices.

Project Photos

  1. Putting up foundation of the slab
  • Putting up slab of rainwater tank
  • Connecting inlet pipe to installed gutters on roof catchment
  • Installed tank
  • Installed tank 2