Child Mobility FOSCIM (MALAWI)

If life for the average, ‘healthy’ Malawian child is poor then life for those with severe mobility problems can be dire. The consequences for the child and its family can be many and debilitating. The Government of Malawi does not provide mobility aids. Even if they could find them, most families would not be able to afford a mobility aid for their child. Without a mobility aid, the child cannot go to school and will have a very limited social life.If the child cannot go to school, in most cases this restricts both parents from working therefore impacting the family…

Child Mobility FOSCIM (Malawi) – Update

FOCSIM have pleasure in attaching 4 more case stories from Malawi of children now mobile thanks to KTCT.  Sorry to say that the flow of case stories to KTCT has been and is being frustrated by two things, one bad and one good. The bad one of course is Covid-19 and the resulting travel restrictions within Malawi plus the hospital's rules about how many out-patients can been seen on site at any one time. The good one is that this year’s Christmas mobility appeal broke the previous year’s never-to-be-matched response. Because of Covid-19 it proved impossible to meet the demand…