Borehold project update – Zambia

Drilling of solar-powered borehole to promote Small scale irrigated vegetable growing, processing, and improved rearing of village chickens for food security and increased incomes at the household level. The project activities have been and are still being implemented as planned though with some highlighted challenges. The mixed membership groups are working to sustain the continuity of the project and ensure that the chicken project succeeds. The women’s project is trying to catch up with the lost time in terms of water availability and is currently busy preparing the land, establishing a vegetable nursery, and directly planting some of the vegetables…

Women Empowerment Initiative (Zambia)

Women’s economic and financial opportunities are becoming increasingly relevant at both national and international levels. The importance of addressing the financial literacy of women and girls as a way to improve their financial empowerment, opportunities and well-being was recognized by the G20 leader’s declaration in June 2012, emphasizing the need for women and youth to gain access to financial services and financial education. We are so grateful to Kitchen Table Charities Trust for funding this project. This is our first big grant and it has given us an opportunity to make an impact in our community. This grant couldn’t have…