Thanks from Malawi Farmers Aid

Please see below, four photographs of our 2022 farming project in Malawi. They show a field of maize at various stages of growth, and the harvested crop in a grain store. This project was at the villages of Yalero and Malemba. It was a difficult start to our programme because the cost of the farm inputs of seed, fertiliser, and herbicide had risen considerably. This is in line with the worldwide increase in farmers' costs due to the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. This meant we had to carefully manage our budget, and cut back on some aspects…

Malawi Farmers Aid’s project in rural Malawi

Aim The aim of the project was to provide groups of unemployed youths in two remote rural villages in Malawi with the necessary training, guidance, and farm input materials to set up small-scale farms in their community. The farms are intended to be the basis for long-term sustainable and expandable food production and employment in one of the poorest countries in Africa. We work with our partner organisation in Malawi, Tivavwire Youth Organisation. We secure funding for our projects from UK charities, and TYO manages the projects in Malawi. The Project Kitchen Table Charitable Trust provided us with a grant…